1A-4 Properly round off results of calculation involving measurements

1A-4-1. How should the result of the following calculation be reported:
80.00 g / 10.0 mL ?
A. 8 g/mL, B. 8.0 g/mL, C. 8.00 g/mL, D. 8.000 g/mL

1A-4-2. How should the result of the following calculation be reported:
0.800 m / 0.010 s?
A. 80 m/s, B. 80.0 m/s, C. 8.0x101 m/s, D. 8x101 m/s

1A-4-3. To how many significant figures should the result of the following calculation be reported:
2500.0 + 25 g ?
A. 2, B. 3, C. 4, D. 5

1A-4-4. To how many significant figures should the result of the following calculation be reported:
2500 mL + 25 mL?
A. 2, B. 3, C. 4, D. 5

1A-4-5. How should the result of the following calculation be reported:
0.0072 + (0.0050)(39.0)?
A. 0.20, B. 0.21, C. 0.202, D. 0.2022

1A-4-6. How should the result of the following calculation be reported, assuming that 1.8 and 32 are exact numbers:
32 + (1.8)(2.37)?
A. 36, B. 36.3, C. 36.27, D. 36.266

1A-4-7 The volume of a sphere of radius r is given by the formula:
V = (4/3)(π)(r3), The radius of a sphere is measured to be 5.00 cm. What is the proper way to report the volume?
Note: π = 3.141592653589793238462643383279...
A. 520 cm3, B. 523 cm3, C. 524 cm3