2-2 Describe the Bohr model and relate to atomic spectra

2-2-1. Which of the following is true regarding the Bohr model?
A. it assumes that electrons move around the nucleus in elliptical orbits
B. it only works for atoms or ions with only one electron
C. it assumes that electrons will eventually crash into the nucleus
D. it predicts that light is produced when an electron transfers from a smaller orbit to a larger orbit

2-2-2. For Bohr's model, if "a" is the radius of the first allowed orbit of hydrogen, what is the radius of the third allowed orbit?
A. 3a, B. 6a, C. 8a, D. 9a

2-2-3. For Bohr's model, the energy of an electron in any of the orbits is a negative value. This means that...
A. the electron is moving in a clockwise direction
B. the electron is moving counterclockwise
C. the electron has imaginary speed
D. none of these

2-2-4. According to Bohr's model, what is the energy of the photon released when an electron jumps from the third orbit to the second orbit of the hydrogen atom?
A. 13.6 eV, B. 1.89 eV, C. 10.2 eV, D. 2.27 eV

2-2-5. According to Bohr's model, which of the following wavelengths will not be absorbed by an electron in the first orbit?
A. 142 nm, B. 122 nm, C. 97.5 nm, D. 94.0 nm