1-13 Describe how the currently accepted model of the atom evolved from Dalton through Rutherford

1-13-1. Which of these is true?
A. Dalton assumed that atoms are made up of electrons, protons, and neutrons
B. J.J. Thomson determined the charge and mass of electrons
C. In Rutherford's alpha scattering experiment, all of the alpha particles passed through the gold foil.
D. The alpha particles used in Rutherford's experiment are positively charged particles.

1-13-2. Assume circles and squares in the figures below represent atoms. According Dalton's atomic theory, which of the figures below best represents a sample of a compound?

1-13-3. Assume that circles and squares in the figure below represent atoms. According to Dalton's theory, which of the changes indicated is possible?

1-13-4. Consider the pictorial representation shown below for the molecular composition of a mixture. Using Dalton's atomic theory, the figure represents a mixture of...
A. an element and two compounds,
B. two elements and a compound,
C. three compounds

1-13-5. Match the pictorial representations showing four neighboring atoms to the scientist most closely associated with the atomic model.
A. 1-Dalton, 2-J.J.Thomson, 3-Rutherford
B. 1-J.J.Thomson, 2-Dalton, 3-Rutherford
C. 1-J.J.Thomson, 2-Rutherford, 3-Dalton
D. 1-Rutherford, 2-J.J.Thomson, 3-Dalton

1-13-6. Which of these scientists is most closely associated with the laboratory apparatus shown below?
A. John Dalton, B. J.J. Thomson, C. Ernest Rutherford, D. James Chadwick

1-13-7. Shown below is a diagram illustrating Rutherford's alpha scattering experiment. Alpha particles are represented by red circles. Which of the three labeled alpha particles (A, B, or C) will have the most typical trajectory?