1-2 Differentiate physical states of matter in terms of shape, volume (compressibility), intermolecular distances, molecular motion

1-2-1. For which of the following are the atoms, on average, farthest from one another?
A. air, B. gasoline, C. copper wire

1-2-2.Water is made up of molecules. For which physical state is the motion of the water molecules most restricted?
A. solid (ice), B. liquid, C. gas(steam)

1-2-3. What physical state of matter is being described by the following phrase: "particles are as close to one another as possible and unable to move"
A. solid, B. liquid, C. gas, D. none of these

1-2-4. Consider the pictorial representation shown below for a change in physical state at the molecular level. The picture best represents which of these changes:
A. evaporation, B. melting, C. sublimation, D. condensation