7-2 Assign oxidation numbers

7-2-1. Which of the following has the largest oxidation number for chlorine?
A. MgCl2, B. CCl4, C. Cl2, D. ClO2-

7-2-2. For which of the following is the oxidation number of F equal to zero?
A. CaF2, B. CF4, C. NaF, D. F2

7-2-CML. What is the oxidation number of the metal in CuCl?
A. -1, B. 0, C. +1, D. +2

7-2-JJW. What is the oxidation number of sulfur in strontium sulfate, SrSO4?
A. -2, B. 0, C. 2, D. 4, E. 6